Mandatory Coach Registrations & Trainings


This registration form will add coaches and assistant coaches to our TeamSnap Database. You will be asked for basic contact information and prompted to pick the Program you are volunteering to coach in. If you are coaching or assistant coaching on more than one team you will need to submit this form again under each Program.

Please be informed that there will be prompts about fees but there will be zero balance at checkout and you will not be charged.

Please select the division below that you wish to coach to register.

Cori Check

All adult volunteers/participants of Mass Youth Soccer and of our member organizations, are required to register directly with Mass Youth Soccer online before they start any coaching assignments. CORI Check's are also administered by Mass Youth Soccer. Even though CORI checks are good for a couple of years, each season we need volunteers to create a profile on the Sports Affinity website and register for the season. Once all the certifications are completed we can print your coaching credentials.  Please click here to Register and complete the CORI Check form.

SafeSport Abuse Prevention training

  • SafeSport is a yearly requirement; the initial course is core training (1.5 hours) must be taken prior to the adult participant engaging in any Mass Youth Soccer activities.
  • Adults who continue to participate with Mass Youth Soccer must complete a refresher course (20 minutes) on an annual basis beginning the calendar year after completing the Core training; prior to the start of the new registration year.
  • Click here to create a profile on the SafeSports and complete the training course.

CDC Heads Up

This is a bi-annual requirement supposed to completed once in 2 years.
1.      Create a CDC Train account/login here.
2.      Once you have an account click here to complete the training course.

Once the background check is confirmed and trainings are complete you should go back to the Sports Affinity dashboard to upload your Heads Up and SafeSport Certificates.